Editing and proofreading
Each translation is professionally revised by us and checked either in part or in full according to your specifications. The proofreader checks the spelling and grammar of the completed translations. An editor provides the final touches to your text so that you can impress your customers and interested parties with a fluently written text.
Editing - final touchesThe editor checks the quality, content and style of the written work or technical translation and makes any necessary changes. This is primarily to ensure that the layout is correct, that linguistic subtleties and nuances have been respected, and there are no errors in the spelling and grammar. The editor also checks the chapter headings, titles and subtitles of the translations. |
Proofreading and the OK to printThe proofreader checks the spelling and grammar of the completed translations The formatting of the texts are also checked and corrected for spacing, fonts, highlighting text, etc. and paragraph layout (right and left alignment). We approve the final proof before it goes to the printers. |