Consultra AG
Seebahnstr. 85
8003 Zürich

T 044 455 77 88


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Languages and rates

The rate is based on the language group and the degree of difficulty of the text to be translated. We decide on the price bracket to be allocated.

Language groups

Group Languages
1 Croatian, Czech, Dutch, UK English, US English, Flemish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Polish, Russian, Serbian, Slovakian, Slovenian, Spanish,
2 Bulgarian, Danish, Finnish, Greek, Hungarian, Latin, Maltese, Norwegian, Rumanian, Swedish, Turkish, Urdu
3 Afrikaans, Arabic, Chinese, Farsi, Hindi, Indonesian, Ivrit (Modern Hebrew), Japanese, Swahili

...and many more languages besides.

Allocation applies to combinations with German, French, Italian and English.

Rates for translations

Group Standard line, 50-55 characters
1 CHF 2.80 - CHF 3.10
2 CHF 3.20 - CHF 3.70
3 CHF 4.20 - CHF 4.80

Supplementary service

Service Rate
Special data format / DTP
Translations in the customer's system
offer basis
Proofreading / Editing CHF 120.-/h
Authentication by a notary public
CHF 50.-
time basis
Translation Memory
Lists of terminology
time basis
Localisation / Websites
Multimedia projects
time basis


At least 25 standard lines will be charged per order and language.

Delivery: via e-mail or on disk

All tariffs are exclusive of VAT. Our General Terms and Conditions of Business apply. We reserve the right to make modifications.