Consultra AG
Seebahnstr. 85
8003 Zürich

T 044 455 77 88


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Technical translations by qualified specialists

Exacting technical translations are translated by our native speaking experts who have many years of experience in the relevant specialist field. We carefully select the most suitable translator for your translation project. The main criteria are that they are native speakers and have the relevant training and specialisation.

Intended purpose

Depending on the intended purpose

  • An exact rendition is more important than the aesthetic layout for scientific and technical translations,.
  • A more liberal adaptation is required for an advertising brochure, and it does not have to stringently follow the structure of the source text.
  • The form and content of any literary writings must be handled with a great deal of sensitivity.


Translation memories and lists of terminology ensure that the lexicon and style remain consistent.

arrow Translation memory

arrow Lists of terminology


arrow Languages and rates

arrow Specialist fields and translators